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Newest NAIFA-Indiana members

New Member - Organization - Sponsor

Shannon Sloane - MedMutual Protect -
Allison Walker - Mutual Of Omaha -
Cary Hughes - American Senior Benefits -
Johnnie Anyadoro - W & B Trust Financial -
Brian Bole - OneAmerica   -

Robert Moore - Defender Financial - William Streeper

Frank Herbik -    - Mark Willis

             Registration Quick Links


Apr 17 - 1 hour CE - Bill Streeper (Zoom)  


May 15 - 2 hours CE - Keith Tison & Matt Will (Zoom) (coming soon)


May 19-20 - 2025 NAIFA Congressional Conference, Washington, D.C., (Face)


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Representing Indiana's Insurance and Financial Advisors

Advocate. Educate. Differentiate.

Securing America's Financial Future

Do you have comments or questions?  WE CAN HELP!


Click on the button below to send us your feedback.  We will make it a priority to respond to you in a timely manner.  Thank you for helping us to help you.

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Your mission: 
Grow your business

Our mission: 
Support you in every stage of
our career

Our membership promise: 
Advocate. Educate. Differentiate.

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Your Monthly Sales Tip:  March 2025 Disability Awareness Month Sales Tip


Gordon F. Homes Jr.

Financial Planner, Special Care Planner, WestPoint Financial Group
NAIFA-Indiana Member​​


What has NAIFA-Indiana done for you?

​Here are real-life examples of how NAIFA has made a difference in their members' businesses:

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Thomas R. Gearhart


Financial Advisor

Northwestern Mutual - Indiana

NAIFA is the only group that brings producers, at the local level, together in a way other industry groups aren’t able.  Those of us who really make up the fiber of the insurance and financial services industry find a place in NAIFA.  We are more able to affect our communities and work together with the goal of having a more effective impact on regular every day Americans whom we serve. If Congress ever concludes we only work for the rich, we are in trouble.


Making good relationships with competitors has helped my business in ways I can only try to measure, mostly with persistency. Perceived “enemies” become friends and colleagues. I cannot imagine my career without with my active NAIFA membership.  It has proved to be incredibly valuable. 


NAIFA is effective in their lobbying efforts.  NAIFA works with the other industry organizations. The difference lies in the constituency of more mainstream producers and their clients. As I have for several years, I plan to go to Washington in May for the NAIFA Congressional Conference and Day on The Hill.  When elected officials hear about average Americans and the work we do for them as their constituents, they listen.  We must continue to remind Washington how valuable both our products and we are, never taking for granted they understand.  They don’t. It is a constant process of re-education.


I hope you will consider being a member and encourage others to do the same.  I just feel strongly that NAIFA is valuable and different from the other industry groups and that we all need to belong.

P.O. Box 459, Fishers, IN  46038

Ph: (317) 844-6268

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